Sync or Swim: Mastering Sales-Marketing Alignment

Discover the secrets to successful collaboration in Sync or Swim: Mastering Sales-Marketing Alignment, a practical guide to enhancing cooperation between sales and marketing teams for improved revenue and efficiency.


  1. Sales and Marketing Teams: Unveiling the Colourful Characters of the Trade
  2. Bridging Brilliance Between Sales and Marketing Teams
  3. What Happens When Sales and Marketing Are Not Aligned?
  4. Syncing Success: Aligning Your Sales and Marketing Tech Stack
  5. Alignment in Action: Success Stories
  6. Building a Culture of Alignment
  7. Your Smarketing Checklist
Get your FREE copy of the E-Book by completing the form below.

How To Get Your Go-To-Market Strategy Right – What You Should Be Considering In Your Launch Plan

Every new product or service starts with an idea, an idea to disrupt the market and solve real-world problems. But these ideas can take a long time to come to fruition. Your idea will go through concept development and creation, through new product development (NPD) and research and development (R&D), and through rigorous testing, trials and feedback processes before the final product or service is ready to launch.  

But before you can successfully launch, you need to devise a well thought out go-to-market-strategy (GTMS). It’s imperative that you get your GTMS right, because it’s not just about having a great idea or a great product, it’s about creating the right plan to bring your product to the right people in the right way.  

Without a clearly defined GTMS on how you will deliver your new product to your audience – your launch will likely fail to gain traction in the market.  

There are many different components of a successful GTMS, let’s explore some of them below.  

Target Audience: 

Defining your Target Audience (TA) is the building block to a successful launch, because it is the core foundation of your GTMS.  

Undertake research into your TA to understand their pain points and challenges, what media and marketing they consume and where they spend their time. Develop your ideal customer profile (ICP) and create buyer personas to help you craft messaging and tailor your offering to their exact requirements. If you don’t understand and define your TA from the outset, you will miss opportunities to resonate with them. 

Setting Clear Objectives and Goals: 

Do you know what your objectives are for launch? Are you looking to build brand awareness or lead with sales straight away?  

Having clearly defined objectives and goals will help inform your ongoing activity and where best to place your efforts, they are fundamental to your GTMS. SMART objectives are the best framework to use for this. 

Once you have determined what your objectives are for launch, use this information to set benchmarks and KPIs that denote success. These can be tracked throughout launch and beyond to determine how your GTMS is delivering. 

Product Differentiation / USPs: 

To successfully launch a new product or service you need to identify what makes your offering unique, especially if you are operating in an already crowded marketplace. What does your product do better or differently to others on the market and why should your TA buy from you? 

Spend time upfront understanding what your USPs (unique selling points) are and what differentiates your product, so that you can craft unique messages and value propositions that will resonate with your TA and highlight why they should pick your product above others.  

Marketing Plan: 

Once you know your TA, your objectives and goals and what your USPs are you need to create a robust marketing plan with the information you have gleaned. 

Make sure you leverage the channels that you know your ICP / TA consume and use and you tailor your messaging and comms in a way that resonates with them. 

Consider the different stages in the buyer journey, from awareness to consideration through to purchase, and craft a strategy that resonates with your TA at every stage of their journey.  

Final Note:

A successful GTMS is all in the planning and research. It will help you to understand your audience and their perceived needs and interests in your product or service and the value they place on your offering. Allowing you to create a GTMS that directly answers that need.  

Remember to stay agile in response to market feedback – continually monitor, review and optimise your activity to ensure that the GTMS is successful and continues to be aligned with your TA’s needs.  

Want to position yourself for success in the marketplace? Get in touch with our marketing team to discuss launch plans for any new product or service in your offering!  

Opinion piece by Account Director, Jess House

A small rocket takes off from a laptop

Stock photo by Vecteezy

Swipe Right: How to Match with Your Ideal Customer Profile

Wouldn’t it be amazing if everyone wanted to buy your product or service? It would certainly cut down on all the time, money and effort needed to discover who your ideal customers are and how they like to be sold to.

In reality, even the most successful companies recognise that they can’t appeal to everyone. If you offer a specialised solution tailored to a specific industry, your customer base might be smaller but fiercely competitive. Alternatively, if your product has broad appeal, you might struggle to reach everyone who could benefit from it.

If you’ve had enough of feeling your way around in the dark and would like someone to turn on the light and show you how to precisely target who you’re going after – this guide is for you.

Swipe Right: How to Match with Your Ideal Customer Profile is a guide by Air Marketing, designed to help you understand what an Ideal Customer Profile is, why it matters and how to build your own, to effectively drive revenue for your business.

Get your FREE copy of the guide by completing the form below.

Building Brands UK Workshop by Shaun Weston: How to Make Your CRM Sexy to Enable You to Achieve Your Marketing Goals

Shaun Weston, the brilliant mind behind our CRM strategy, delivered an incredible workshop at the Building Brands UK event on 23rd May. This workshop was a valuable opportunity for our audience to gain insights into the intricacies of CRM implementation.

For those who were unable to attend the event or wish to revisit the workshop, the recording is now available for you to watch above. 

Shaun covered a comprehensive range of topics, including:

– Understanding the fundamentals of a CRM
– Collaborating seamlessly with sales teams through CRM
– Harnessing accurate data on lead and customer journeys to showcase Marketing’s impact
– Gaining actionable insights on MQL conversion through CRM
– Consolidating data from various sources (organic social, paid social, email, PPC, web, landing page design) in one CRM for enhanced effectiveness
– Closing the feedback loop and improving lead quality with CRM data instead of relying on opinions and emotions
– Empowering end users to become early adopters and advocates of CRM


Your most important relationship is the one that you have with your customers. So why not make it as smooth as possible?

With the right software in place, you can enhance your sales and marketing processes and boost your ROI.

We’re offering a free tech stack audit to help you understand your existing CRM and identify any inefficiencies. We will provide honest, actionable recommendations to optimise your tech stack and improve your business operations. Request your audit by completing the form.

Download: Why a Killer Marketing Strategy is Non-Negotiable

Your marketing strategy is like a roadmap to achieving your business goals. It’s the foundation that supports your success; encompassing a plan that outlines the key steps and tactics required to effectively promote your products or services, connect with your target audience, and ultimately drive desired outcomes.

It needs to answer the following questions:

WHAT? What are your business goals?

WHY? Why should your people choose you over your competitors?

HOW? How will you reach and engage with your audience?

Why a Killer Marketing Strategy is Non-Negotiable is a guide by Air Marketing, designed to provide you with 4 key lessons to help you create a killer marketing strategy, tailored to your business. 

From your company’s vision to who you target and how you position yourselves to them, a killer marketing strategy contains everything you need to succeed when it comes to communicating with your customers – both current and prospective!

These 4 lessons include…

  • Sizing up your competitors
  • Analysing your business
  • Getting brutal with your targets
  • Getting it done!
Get your FREE copy of the guide by completing the form below.