CALLING MASTERS | Pitch The Panel – Live!


Struggling to hit quota? Feeling frustrated with missed sales? Calling Masters will equip you with the skills and strategies to dramatically raise your cold calling game.

In this sixth, and final, episode of our Calling Masters series in partnership with Lead Forensics, we’re putting your cold calling skills to the test! Four brave sales reps dialled into the webinar and pitched live to our expert panel, where they received instant, personalised feedback. Tune in and pick up game-changing cold calling tips by witnessing the participants’ techniques and the panel’s feedback.

Our panel features:
Marco Alfano-Rogers – Sales Director at Air Marketing
Erik Pollitt – Training Consultant at Air Sales Academy

Gracie-May Bryan – Campaign Operations Manager at Air Marketing

Joe Duccarreaux – Brand Awareness Manager at Lead Forensics

Who is it for?
Founders & CEOs
Sales & Marketing Leaders
Revenue Leaders
Sales & Marketing Managers
Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)
Business Development Representatives (BDRs)

CALLING MASTERS | Final Hurdle: The Art of Closing


Consistently getting to the decision-maker, crafting a perfect pitch – but struggling to secure the deal?

In this fifth episode of our Calling Masters series in partnership with Lead Forensics, we’re exploring how to turn your successful cold calls into closed deals. We’ll equip you with the essential skills and strategies to confidently navigate objections and guide prospects towards a positive decision.

You’ll learn:

  • Mastering Objections: Discover effective techniques to overcome common objections and keep the conversation moving forward.
  • Building Value & Urgency: Learn how to highlight the value proposition of your offering and create a sense of urgency to act.
  • The Art of the Close: Explore different closing techniques and identify the ones that best suit your calling style.
  • Leaving the Door Open: Learn how to gracefully navigate a “no” while leaving the door open for future opportunities.

Our panel features:
Marco Alfano-Rogers – Sales Director at Air Marketing
Erik Pollitt – Training Consultant at Air Sales Academy
Amy Cooke – Head of Sales US at Lead Forensics 

Alex Burgess – Account Director at Air Marketing

Joe Duccarreaux – Brand Awareness Manager at Lead Forensics

Who is it for?
Founders & CEOs
Sales & Marketing Leaders
Revenue Leaders
Sales & Marketing Managers
Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)
Business Development Representatives (BDRs)

CALLING MASTERS | Pitch Perfect: Taking Your Prospect on a Journey


Feeling like your cold calls are missing the mark? Struggling to engage prospects and leave a lasting impression?

In this fourth episode of our Calling Masters series in partnership with Lead Forensics, we’re exploring the art of the perfect pitch. We’ll equip you with the skills to craft a compelling narrative and guide your prospect towards a positive outcome.

You’ll learn:

  • Hook ‘Em from the Start: Master the art of crafting captivating introductions that grab attention and break the ice.
  • The Power of Storytelling: Discover how to weave a compelling narrative that resonates with your prospect’s needs and challenges.
  • Building Value Throughout the Call: Learn how to highlight the benefits of your offering in a way that’s tailored to each prospect.
  • A Smooth Landing: Master the art of transitioning from a captivating pitch to a clear call to action.

Our panel features:
Marco Alfano-Rogers – Sales Director at Air Marketing
Erik Pollitt – Training Consultant at Air Sales Academy
Tom Happé – CEO and Founder at Trueleads

Joe Duccarreaux – Brand Awareness Manager at Lead Forensics

Who is it for?
Founders & CEOs
Sales & Marketing Leaders
Revenue Leaders
Sales & Marketing Managers
Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)
Business Development Representatives (BDRs)

CALLING MASTERS | First Impressions: How to Engage on a Cold Call


Struggling to make a strong impact on calls with your prospects?

In this third episode of our Calling Masters series in partnership with Lead Forensics, we’ll equip you with the skills to craft powerful first impressions that turn cold calls into warm conversations.

You’ll learn:

  • How to bypass gatekeepers with powerful introductions that grab attention.
  • How to craft a personalized pitch that resonates with each prospect.
  • How to develop confident communication skills that instill trust and command attention.

Our panel features:
Marco Alfano-Rogers – Sales Director at Air Marketing
Maria Vanezi – Director at Ezicomms Marketing
Gracie-May Bryan – Campaign Operations Manager at Air Marketing

Joe Duccarreaux – Brand Awareness Manager at Lead Forensics

Who is it for?
Founders & CEOs
Sales & Marketing Leaders
Revenue Leaders
Sales & Marketing Managers
Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)
Business Development Representatives (BDRs)

Sync or Swim: Mastering Sales-Marketing Alignment

Discover the secrets to successful collaboration in Sync or Swim: Mastering Sales-Marketing Alignment, a practical guide to enhancing cooperation between sales and marketing teams for improved revenue and efficiency.


  1. Sales and Marketing Teams: Unveiling the Colourful Characters of the Trade
  2. Bridging Brilliance Between Sales and Marketing Teams
  3. What Happens When Sales and Marketing Are Not Aligned?
  4. Syncing Success: Aligning Your Sales and Marketing Tech Stack
  5. Alignment in Action: Success Stories
  6. Building a Culture of Alignment
  7. Your Smarketing Checklist
Get your FREE copy of the E-Book by completing the form below.

CALLING MASTERS | Getting Connected: How to Improve Contact Rates


Struggling to connect with decision-makers on cold calls? Spending hours leaving voicemails that never get returned?

If your skills need sharpening on bypassing gatekeepers, leaving compelling voicemails and connecting with real people, then this webinar is for you.

In this second episode of our Calling Masters series in partnership with Lead Forensics, we’re discussing the key elements of getting connected with your prospects, so you can dramatically improve your contact rates.

You’ll learn:

  • How to identify and navigate common gatekeeper tactics to reach decision-makers directly.
  • How to support phone calls with multi-channel messages and the importance of personalization.
  • The importance of Active Listening and how you can use it to your advantage in the early stages of the call.

Our panel features:
Marco Alfano-Rogers – Sales Director at Air Marketing
Erik Pollitt – Training Consultant at Air Sales Academy
Amy Cooke – Global Development Director at Lead Forensics

Joe Duccarreaux – Brand Awareness Manager at Lead Forensics

Who is it for?
Founders & CEOs
Sales & Marketing Leaders
Revenue Leaders
Sales & Marketing Managers
Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)
Business Development Representatives (BDRs)

CALLING MASTERS | Pre-Call Research: How to Prep


Tired of wasting time on unqualified leads and getting stuck in voicemail jail?

If you want to increase your closing rate over the phone, you need to understand who you’re selling to. 

In this webinar, the first in our Calling Masters series in partnership with Lead Forensics, we’re discussing the key elements of pre-call preparation to ensure that you’ve packed out your cold call toolbox.

You’ll learn:

  • How to quickly gather relevant knowledge about your prospect’s business, their specific needs, and the key players you need to connect with.
  • Which essential tools will help inform your approach during your call to the prospect.
  • How to apply the information you find during your research on the cold call and ensure your sales success.

Our panel features:
Marco Alfano-Rogers – Sales Director at Air Marketing
Fran Hall – Account Director at Air Marketing
Jamie Beaumont – CEO and Founder of Playter

Joe Duccarreaux – Brand Awareness Manager at Lead Forensics

Who is it for?
Founders & CEOs
Sales & Marketing Leaders
Revenue Leaders
Sales & Marketing Managers
Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)
Business Development Representatives (BDRs)

How To Get Your Go-To-Market Strategy Right – What You Should Be Considering In Your Launch Plan

Every new product or service starts with an idea, an idea to disrupt the market and solve real-world problems. But these ideas can take a long time to come to fruition. Your idea will go through concept development and creation, through new product development (NPD) and research and development (R&D), and through rigorous testing, trials and feedback processes before the final product or service is ready to launch.  

But before you can successfully launch, you need to devise a well thought out go-to-market-strategy (GTMS). It’s imperative that you get your GTMS right, because it’s not just about having a great idea or a great product, it’s about creating the right plan to bring your product to the right people in the right way.  

Without a clearly defined GTMS on how you will deliver your new product to your audience – your launch will likely fail to gain traction in the market.  

There are many different components of a successful GTMS, let’s explore some of them below.  

Target Audience: 

Defining your Target Audience (TA) is the building block to a successful launch, because it is the core foundation of your GTMS.  

Undertake research into your TA to understand their pain points and challenges, what media and marketing they consume and where they spend their time. Develop your ideal customer profile (ICP) and create buyer personas to help you craft messaging and tailor your offering to their exact requirements. If you don’t understand and define your TA from the outset, you will miss opportunities to resonate with them. 

Setting Clear Objectives and Goals: 

Do you know what your objectives are for launch? Are you looking to build brand awareness or lead with sales straight away?  

Having clearly defined objectives and goals will help inform your ongoing activity and where best to place your efforts, they are fundamental to your GTMS. SMART objectives are the best framework to use for this. 

Once you have determined what your objectives are for launch, use this information to set benchmarks and KPIs that denote success. These can be tracked throughout launch and beyond to determine how your GTMS is delivering. 

Product Differentiation / USPs: 

To successfully launch a new product or service you need to identify what makes your offering unique, especially if you are operating in an already crowded marketplace. What does your product do better or differently to others on the market and why should your TA buy from you? 

Spend time upfront understanding what your USPs (unique selling points) are and what differentiates your product, so that you can craft unique messages and value propositions that will resonate with your TA and highlight why they should pick your product above others.  

Marketing Plan: 

Once you know your TA, your objectives and goals and what your USPs are you need to create a robust marketing plan with the information you have gleaned. 

Make sure you leverage the channels that you know your ICP / TA consume and use and you tailor your messaging and comms in a way that resonates with them. 

Consider the different stages in the buyer journey, from awareness to consideration through to purchase, and craft a strategy that resonates with your TA at every stage of their journey.  

Final Note:

A successful GTMS is all in the planning and research. It will help you to understand your audience and their perceived needs and interests in your product or service and the value they place on your offering. Allowing you to create a GTMS that directly answers that need.  

Remember to stay agile in response to market feedback – continually monitor, review and optimise your activity to ensure that the GTMS is successful and continues to be aligned with your TA’s needs.  

Want to position yourself for success in the marketplace? Get in touch with our marketing team to discuss launch plans for any new product or service in your offering!  

Opinion piece by Account Director, Jess House

A small rocket takes off from a laptop

Stock photo by Vecteezy

The Resurgence of In-Person Events In a Post-COVID World

Our lives changed drastically during the pandemic. Businesses shut their doors, schools closed, gyms became an empty, lifeless space for fitness enthusiasts, and our worlds were reduced to the square footage of our homes. Locked away in our support bubbles and making the difficult decision of who to spend Christmas with.

We had the time to reflect on what and who is truly important. We thought about our families, careers, relationships, and survival. This became our new ‘normal’, getting used to our own space, seeing fewer people, and being told which way to queue in the supermarket, ensuring we were 1 metre apart.

As we reached the end of the pandemic and having been so isolated, anxiety hit. We were desperate to reconnect, rebuild civilisation and get back to the ‘normal’ we were all used to. Gathering face-to-face uncovered newfound significance. Conferences, concerts, festivals, and events were no longer mere activities; they served as catalysts for renewed inspiration.

But, the benefits of in-person gatherings extend far beyond just good feelings; they are underpinned by research:

  • Forbes Insights surveyed more than 750 business executives about their thoughts on in-person versus virtual meetings; 85% said they build stronger, more meaningful business relationships when they meet in person.
  • Research by the Harvard Business Review found that 95% of people say face-to-face meetings are a key factor in successfully building and maintaining long-term business relationships.

The return of in-person events is not just a sign of recovery; it’s an opportunity to redefine the foundations of B2B and B2C success in an era hungry for human connection and authenticity. As we navigate this new normal, the irreplaceable value of face-to-face interactions has become abundantly clear. These gatherings are not just about reclaiming lost time or celebrating our return to physical spaces; they are integral to fostering deeper, more meaningful business relationships that are the backbone of many successful B2B marketing strategies. In a world that’s rapidly advancing in digital communication tech, the power of personal connection stands unmatched. Businesses that recognise and leverage the unique opportunities presented by in-person events will not only strengthen their existing relationships but also forge new ones, setting the stage for innovation, collaboration, and growth. As we look to the future, we should embrace the lessons learned during these challenging times and continue to place a premium on the human element in all our business endeavors.

Opinion piece by Senior Digital Marketing Executive, Nicola Roberts

Group of people sipping champagne at an in-person event

Are Whitepapers Dead?

Whitepapers have long been hailed as an indispensable tool for B2B marketers and an important part of your marketing arsenal. Originating as a traditional, academic report in higher-education settings, marketers swiftly leveraged them to become a lead generating magnet. Simultaneously helping to establish brands as credible and authoritative industry-leaders within B2B sectors.

Whitepapers remain the longest form of content you can create. They are more formal and are backed by research and offer an in-depth analysis into a specific industry topic or problem – typically signposting the reader to the solution at the conclusion.

But, with brands experimenting more and more with short-form content; the rise of snappy posts and videos; and an ever-decreasing audience attention span, it begs the question…

What value does a whitepaper still hold in the current digital landscape?

Credibility and Authority: Whitepapers are synonymous with expertise and thought leadership. Businesses can demonstrate their industry knowledge and establish credibility among their target audience by educating them about a topic, challenge or solution in their industry.

Lead Generation: Well-crafted whitepapers that are strategically promoted continue to be effective lead magnets. By offering valuable insights and solutions, businesses can attract quality leads interested in solving specific problems.

Sales Team Resource: Whitepapers can act as an additional resource for your sales team when speaking with prospects – allowing them to offer an interesting and valuable piece of content to further move prospects down the funnel.

Long-Term Value: Unlike blogs or social media posts, whitepapers have a longer shelf life. They can serve as evergreen resources that continue to attract and engage prospects long after their initial publication. Your whitepaper can be the cornerstone of your marketing strategy and approach for the next 6-12 months if strategically curated and promoted effectively.

Whilst it is true that content types have diversified because of the audience’s preference for bite-sized, easily digestible content, the benefits you can achieve with a cutting-edge, thought-provoking whitepaper highlight that they still hold a well-deserving place in modern marketing strategies. But they must be written and promoted effectively, and with relevancy, with the audiences’ changing behaviours and preferences in mind.

So, how can businesses navigate this shift?

  1. Interactive Elements: Incorporating interactive elements such as quizzes, calculators, or assessments can make whitepapers more engaging for modern audiences.
  2. Visual Enhancements: Integrating attractive and creative visuals like charts, graphs, and infographics can break up dense copy and make complex information more comprehensive and retain the reader’s attention span.
  3. Ongoing Promotion: Your marketing activity to promote your whitepaper is equally, if not more important than the content piece itself. A strong, digital marketing strategy that is aligned to your audiences’ preferences will ensure optimum opportunity for lead capture and downloads.
  4. Focus on your Audience: Will they download and read a whitepaper? Can you offer valuable insights and information that provide them tangible solutions and next steps? The whitepaper has to go above and beyond just promoting your brand or service – it needs to be a content piece that they will find interesting and valuable.

The digital marketing landscape is constantly transforming, yet whitepapers hold their ground as a pivotal resource for businesses aiming to cement their status as thought leaders, educate their audience, and drive lead generation through effective creation and promotion.

As we navigate through this evolution, it’s clear that while the environment and our audiences are constantly developing, whitepapers are far from dead and remain highly relevant. To stay alive, however, they must adapt to keep pace with these ongoing developments.

Opinion piece by Account Director, Jess House

Did you know we offer a comprehensive whitepaper campaign package, that actually delivers results?

Expertly crafted to drive downloads and gather critical prospect data, our service includes concept creation, the whitepaper itself, data purchase, direct mail, and the core components of a successful campaign: email, social, paid social, phone outreach, and dedicated account management. Benefit from regular reporting and a segmented database of your target audience to track engagement levels, including whitepaper downloads.

Contact us today to discover how our tailored whitepaper campaign can generate leads and grow your business.