CALLING MASTERS | Pitch The Panel – Live!


Struggling to hit quota? Feeling frustrated with missed sales? Calling Masters will equip you with the skills and strategies to dramatically raise your cold calling game.

In this sixth, and final, episode of our Calling Masters series in partnership with Lead Forensics, we’re putting your cold calling skills to the test! Four brave sales reps dialled into the webinar and pitched live to our expert panel, where they received instant, personalised feedback. Tune in and pick up game-changing cold calling tips by witnessing the participants’ techniques and the panel’s feedback.

Our panel features:
Marco Alfano-Rogers – Sales Director at Air Marketing
Erik Pollitt – Training Consultant at Air Sales Academy

Gracie-May Bryan – Campaign Operations Manager at Air Marketing

Joe Duccarreaux – Brand Awareness Manager at Lead Forensics

Who is it for?
Founders & CEOs
Sales & Marketing Leaders
Revenue Leaders
Sales & Marketing Managers
Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)
Business Development Representatives (BDRs)

CALLING MASTERS | Final Hurdle: The Art of Closing


Consistently getting to the decision-maker, crafting a perfect pitch – but struggling to secure the deal?

In this fifth episode of our Calling Masters series in partnership with Lead Forensics, we’re exploring how to turn your successful cold calls into closed deals. We’ll equip you with the essential skills and strategies to confidently navigate objections and guide prospects towards a positive decision.

You’ll learn:

  • Mastering Objections: Discover effective techniques to overcome common objections and keep the conversation moving forward.
  • Building Value & Urgency: Learn how to highlight the value proposition of your offering and create a sense of urgency to act.
  • The Art of the Close: Explore different closing techniques and identify the ones that best suit your calling style.
  • Leaving the Door Open: Learn how to gracefully navigate a “no” while leaving the door open for future opportunities.

Our panel features:
Marco Alfano-Rogers – Sales Director at Air Marketing
Erik Pollitt – Training Consultant at Air Sales Academy
Amy Cooke – Head of Sales US at Lead Forensics 

Alex Burgess – Account Director at Air Marketing

Joe Duccarreaux – Brand Awareness Manager at Lead Forensics

Who is it for?
Founders & CEOs
Sales & Marketing Leaders
Revenue Leaders
Sales & Marketing Managers
Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)
Business Development Representatives (BDRs)

CALLING MASTERS | Pitch Perfect: Taking Your Prospect on a Journey


Feeling like your cold calls are missing the mark? Struggling to engage prospects and leave a lasting impression?

In this fourth episode of our Calling Masters series in partnership with Lead Forensics, we’re exploring the art of the perfect pitch. We’ll equip you with the skills to craft a compelling narrative and guide your prospect towards a positive outcome.

You’ll learn:

  • Hook ‘Em from the Start: Master the art of crafting captivating introductions that grab attention and break the ice.
  • The Power of Storytelling: Discover how to weave a compelling narrative that resonates with your prospect’s needs and challenges.
  • Building Value Throughout the Call: Learn how to highlight the benefits of your offering in a way that’s tailored to each prospect.
  • A Smooth Landing: Master the art of transitioning from a captivating pitch to a clear call to action.

Our panel features:
Marco Alfano-Rogers – Sales Director at Air Marketing
Erik Pollitt – Training Consultant at Air Sales Academy
Tom Happé – CEO and Founder at Trueleads

Joe Duccarreaux – Brand Awareness Manager at Lead Forensics

Who is it for?
Founders & CEOs
Sales & Marketing Leaders
Revenue Leaders
Sales & Marketing Managers
Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)
Business Development Representatives (BDRs)

CALLING MASTERS | First Impressions: How to Engage on a Cold Call


Struggling to make a strong impact on calls with your prospects?

In this third episode of our Calling Masters series in partnership with Lead Forensics, we’ll equip you with the skills to craft powerful first impressions that turn cold calls into warm conversations.

You’ll learn:

  • How to bypass gatekeepers with powerful introductions that grab attention.
  • How to craft a personalized pitch that resonates with each prospect.
  • How to develop confident communication skills that instill trust and command attention.

Our panel features:
Marco Alfano-Rogers – Sales Director at Air Marketing
Maria Vanezi – Director at Ezicomms Marketing
Gracie-May Bryan – Campaign Operations Manager at Air Marketing

Joe Duccarreaux – Brand Awareness Manager at Lead Forensics

Who is it for?
Founders & CEOs
Sales & Marketing Leaders
Revenue Leaders
Sales & Marketing Managers
Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)
Business Development Representatives (BDRs)

CALLING MASTERS | Getting Connected: How to Improve Contact Rates


Struggling to connect with decision-makers on cold calls? Spending hours leaving voicemails that never get returned?

If your skills need sharpening on bypassing gatekeepers, leaving compelling voicemails and connecting with real people, then this webinar is for you.

In this second episode of our Calling Masters series in partnership with Lead Forensics, we’re discussing the key elements of getting connected with your prospects, so you can dramatically improve your contact rates.

You’ll learn:

  • How to identify and navigate common gatekeeper tactics to reach decision-makers directly.
  • How to support phone calls with multi-channel messages and the importance of personalization.
  • The importance of Active Listening and how you can use it to your advantage in the early stages of the call.

Our panel features:
Marco Alfano-Rogers – Sales Director at Air Marketing
Erik Pollitt – Training Consultant at Air Sales Academy
Amy Cooke – Global Development Director at Lead Forensics

Joe Duccarreaux – Brand Awareness Manager at Lead Forensics

Who is it for?
Founders & CEOs
Sales & Marketing Leaders
Revenue Leaders
Sales & Marketing Managers
Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)
Business Development Representatives (BDRs)

CALLING MASTERS | Pre-Call Research: How to Prep


Tired of wasting time on unqualified leads and getting stuck in voicemail jail?

If you want to increase your closing rate over the phone, you need to understand who you’re selling to. 

In this webinar, the first in our Calling Masters series in partnership with Lead Forensics, we’re discussing the key elements of pre-call preparation to ensure that you’ve packed out your cold call toolbox.

You’ll learn:

  • How to quickly gather relevant knowledge about your prospect’s business, their specific needs, and the key players you need to connect with.
  • Which essential tools will help inform your approach during your call to the prospect.
  • How to apply the information you find during your research on the cold call and ensure your sales success.

Our panel features:
Marco Alfano-Rogers – Sales Director at Air Marketing
Fran Hall – Account Director at Air Marketing
Jamie Beaumont – CEO and Founder of Playter

Joe Duccarreaux – Brand Awareness Manager at Lead Forensics

Who is it for?
Founders & CEOs
Sales & Marketing Leaders
Revenue Leaders
Sales & Marketing Managers
Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)
Business Development Representatives (BDRs)

Maximising Sales Performance: Should You Go In-House or Outsourced for Training?

It’s not your imagination, sales development is definitely getting harder. Outbound prospecting is certainly getting harder. Doing the same thing, applying the usual techniques, won’t cut it anymore. More than ever, there’s a need to be coaching and training your SDRs regularly, particularly in the early part of their career.

But what’s the best way to train your sales team? Should you have an in-house trainer or send SDRs to external training courses? Here, we’ll look at the pros and cons of in-house and outsourced sales training and enablement.

Benefits of in-house sales training

Awareness of the business: A trainer who works within the business knows the internal values, processes and systems. You can work through real life situations and confidential case studies.

Ongoing support: In-house trainers are able to train and coach consistently, and provide ongoing support. They’re not simply providing a one-off session, never to be seen again.

Accountability: Working in-house, the trainer can hold participants to account and follow up on the training with them. 

Challenges of in-house sales training

Expensive commitment: There’s the ongoing cost of hiring trainers rather than the variable outgoing of paying for external training courses.

Repetition of content: In-house trainers tend to teach the same things again and again. Being ‘in the bubble,’ they’re less exposed to new, external content and ideas. As Albert Einstein wisely pointed out, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Colleagues as fellow students: Training alongside your team mates tends to mean that you’re bringing similar experiences to the table. You’re not learning about different environments, challenges and case studies.

Benefits of outsourced sales training

Experts in their field: External trainers tend to be subject matter specialists. They’re constantly learning and updating their knowledge to pass on to their students.  

Established programs: Outsourced training is generally a one stop shop. Participants follow a program over a set time (e.g. a one day or half day training session). It’s a well-established and prepared program with specific processes.

Diversity of participants: External training providers usually hold sessions for people from different companies. They’ll bring varying levels of knowledge and understanding, and differing experiences. You’ll learn from each other as well as the trainer. 

Challenges of outsourced sales training

Cost of training courses: Outsourced sales training can be a costly option. Some providers charge £5000+ per day, for example.

Lack of accountability: After your training course, you go back to work and carry on. All too often, you drift back to old habits instead of the new ideas that you learned about. Without anyone to hold you to account, it’s easy to stick with what you know.

Finite learning experience: Once your six hour or six week training program ends, that’s the end. There’s no follow up to check your understanding of the topic, to build on it or to see if you’re successfully implementing the new approach. 

Introducing a different approach – The SDR Academy

We believe The SDR Academy offers something truly different.

The SDR Academy’s unique offering involves both learning new things as well as topping up and refreshing existing knowledge. We hold SDRs accountable for what they’ve learnt with regular sessions every single week. It’s the best of both worlds – a continuous learning journey combined with external expertise and learning from other people with different experiences.

We believe that sales training doesn’t have a beginning and end. You don’t have one session on ‘objection handling’ and then handle every instance perfectly. You don’t attend a session on ‘writing cold emails’ and then compose winning emails every time. You never complete your learning around sales. It’s an evolution; a process of continuous improvement.

The SDR Academy is an ongoing subscription to virtual training sessions. Run in live, virtual rooms, the courses are created and facilitated by leading industry experts. It’s comprehensive, affordable and impactful.

All You Need to Know About Using Data in Outbound Sales | Blog

At the close of last year, our exclusive roundtable, hailed by viewers as ‘the event of the year’ and one of our most successful yet, brought together the leading minds from all major data providers in the industry to discuss everything you need to know about using data in outbound sales. Offering key insights across strategy, intent data, data accuracy and the best practices for utilising data – it’s an absolute must-watch for anybody involved in the sales process.

Hosted by Air’s Founder & CEO, Owen Richards, our expert panel featured:

Here, their insights are revealed:

Everything Starts with Your ICP

“Many clients don’t know what their TAM (Total Addressable Market) is” says Liz Fulham. One of the common pitfalls of outbound sales is the spray and pray approach.

Ringing everyone on a list with no process or targeting strategy in place is what Paul Gilhooly calls a sure “revenue and productivity killer.”

The best way to lift your revenue line is to know who to target, what their pain points are and “how your solution fits into your prospect’s organisation” as Saif Khan offers.

Have an Efficient Operating Model

The importance of having a clear and efficient operating model within sales cannot be overstated. After all, data and outbound go hand in hand.  A good operating model will tie into that strategy and allow you to maximise your data for success. Paul Gilhooly informed us that 5-10% of your TAM will be in-market at any given moment. Ensuring that you have a process of capturing those accounts will help you to prioritise the most important accounts that are in-market for your solution. As he is says “In this economy, missing out on opportunities is the worst, so if you don’t have a process for that you’re missing a trick.”

Saif echoes and elaborates on the importance of having the tools and a blueprint of how you’re going to reach your goals. “The two biggest things are alignment and resource allocation” he says. With everyone in the team being asked to do more with less these days, it’s important that sales and marketing teams communicate and that you are providing for the accounts that have the highest yield. It’s not enough to focus on the leads generated at the top of the funnel anymore, so leveraging data from all departments to inform how you approach sales is fundamental. 

Using Data Effectively

Many companies come to data providers with the goal of enhancing their revenue but think they need to “rip and replace” all the data they have collected so far. Saif says it’s actually all about assimilating what has worked up until now and leveraging the right solutions to understand where the volume and quality of leads can be improved. When you understand the bigger picture, you can build short- and long-term plans for your success.


AI is changing the world. It has so many uses within outbound sales such as helping SDRs to create ICPs based on their best-selling customers. Paul Gilhooly also explains how within 6sense’s platform it can be used to do a statistical lookback at the last few years of your CRM data and identify key trends and opportunities.

AI can be instrumental in getting the timing of outreach right, as well as providing a workflow to help you to prioritise the best opportunities. Liz explains that “using AI we’re able to match the data in the CRM to bring it right up to date with what’s happening on the internet.” In fact, it’s so powerful that it can update a changed job role from LinkedIn within minutes. This is amazing for reducing duplication and data accuracy.

Intent Data

Intent data is all about understanding the dynamic of how people buy today. Paul offers up two key questions here:

  • Do we want to contact the people who we could sell to?
  • Or do we want to contact people who want to buy?

From there you can ascertain what sales opportunities there are and if they are really feasible.

With first- and third-party data to consider as well as anonymous data there is lots to consider and much research emerging too. Rather than looking at one subset of data, it’s important that you aggregate it to get a full picture of your ICP’s pain points, needs and buyer readiness.

Outbound Sales Best Practices

  • Opt for Account-Based selling over transactional selling
  • Take a multi-channel approach – don’t just sell through the phone
  • More doesn’t mean more, its quality that counts
  • Personalisation, relevance and timing have never been more important
  • Leverage what you already have alongside intelligence tools
  • Offer a bespoke, tailored approach at every stage of the sales cycle
  • Profile the right companies to call using the data
  • Work on accounts that align to who the AE is going to sell to
  • Know your sales hooks
  • Be intentional with how you use data
  • Always A/B test
  • Ask the right questions
  • Be patient

It’s pays to remember that there is no one size fits all when it comes to sales and marketing intelligence. James Isilay summarised it well when he said “data providers are a bit like newspapers. We all have different ways of collecting data and different propriety signals that we overly on that. There’s always differences in our data and accuracies. We all make a different soup in how we bring the data together.”

The most important thing is that you engage influencers and decision makers within a company in the right conversations, demonstrating that you understand their challenges and have a specific solution to ease them.

Outbound sales should be a collaborative approach laser-focused around your prospects. Making effective use of data at every stage of the sales process is vital especially within the mid to end of the funnel where there is so much intelligence to be gleaned.

As James says “Don’t burn the opportunities that you do get. They’re so hard to come by right now – they’re like golden nuggets!”

Thank you to our excellent panel for their time and knowledge. We hope that you found this roundtable as engaging and insightful as we did!

Uniting Experts: All You Need to Know About Using Data in Outbound Sales

In the evolving sales landscape, data has become the linchpin of outbound strategies. But how do we navigate the complexities of using data to boost our contact rates and sales figures?

In this live roundtable, we’re bringing together the leading minds from all major data providers for an exclusive discussion to provide industry insights and answer your burning questions.

Our cracking panel features:
James Isilay – CEO at Cognism
Saif Khan – Director of Sales at ZoomInfo
Liz Fulham – Founder & CEO at TAMI
Paul Gilhooly – VP of Sales at 6sense

Owen Richards – Founder & CEO of Air Marketing

Key discussion points:
– Most common myths/misunderstood elements of using/procuring data for outbound sales
– Innovative strategies to increase contact rate
– What data is best to use, and how to use it to its full potential to target the right prospects at the right time and through the right channels
– Intent data – How is this evolving and how data can help customers to be more relevant
– How data providers ensure data accuracy for their customers
– The strategic role accurate data plays to improve the quality of pipeline
– The major developments in the data industry the last 12-18 months
– Data providers future plans to evolve their solutions and make prospecting more effective for sales professionals

Who is it for?
Founders & CEOs
Sales & Marketing Leaders
Revenue Leaders
Sales & Marketing Managers
Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)
Business Development Representatives (BDRs)

This roundtable presents a unique opportunity to engage with the best in the industry and come away with knowledge that will place you at the forefront of outbound sales success. Whether you’re in sales, marketing, or business development, understanding how to harness data will give you a competitive edge.

Sales Confidence TOP 50 Sales Leaders Awards 2023 | Full In Person Event | Co-Hosted By Owen Richards

Watch as the TOP 50 2023 winners are announced at this year’s Sales Leaders Awards powered by Sales Confidence at the De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms.

Our Founder & CEO, Owen Richards, co-hosted the event alongside James Ski, Founder of Sales Confidence.

Featuring an all-star lineup:
James Hall – Vice President of Sales at Snowflake
Mark Langton – Vice President of Sales, EMEA at Red Sift
David Wyatt – CRO at Aiven

Who is it for?
• Sales Leaders (CROs, Sales VPs, Sales Managers)
• Revenue Leaders (Marketing, Sales Ops and Enablement)
• SaaS Founders and Investors

Why watch? 
You will hear a line-up of inspirational industry speakers and gain the knowledge and insight required to confidently and competently drive your organisation forward.